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Old 02-12-2002, 06:14 PM   #1
Michael Fournier Michael Fournier is offline
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check The Turner Prize

I thought I would share this article with you all. After reading it post your thoughts. http://www.artrenewal.org/articles/2...incompoop1.asp

As for me it made my blood boil. It also reminded me of a grant that I applied for when I was in collage and was rejected for. That alone was not bad for many others were rejected also. The killer was that the grant was awarded to a artists for a show that consisted of 4 unstretched, unframed canvases painted a single color each and a plexiglass cube in the center of the room filled with junk.

This was a $30,000 Grant that would have paid for my total tuition bill.

But instead of I or one of my equally talented (if not more talented then I) classmates getting the award some no talent hack got the award. It is now almost 20 years later and I am still paying on the remainder of my student loans. (on a artist's income I was forced to deferrer them for some years)

No bitterness here (well maybe just a little)
Michael Fournier
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Old 02-13-2002, 08:40 AM   #2
Stanka Kordic Stanka Kordic is offline
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Big sigh...yet another example of the contemporary art world's embrace of the word "originality". They seem to think that if its never been done before, it must be "art". Age old quandry in modern times that we realists have to deal with and accept, unfortunately.
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Old 02-13-2002, 09:53 AM   #3
David Dowbyhuz David Dowbyhuz is offline
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From the ARC article:

"a frivolous, easily distracted age is diluted and embarrassed by the antics of charlatans"

When professional "art appreciators" drive modern opinion (those who look, but never DO), we'll continue to see acclaim for being the most pretentious.

These people, the awarders of Turner Prizes, don't thrive in a vacuum. They're given air to breath, food to eat and nice comfy chairs to sit in. If we have the priviledge to work in a garden, should we trouble ourselves if others chose to hoe rows in the desert?
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Old 02-15-2002, 01:33 PM   #4
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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You know there's another way to look at these silly awards and modern competitions-just enter them with some "pre-breakfast efforts" and see what happens. Apart from the politics that is nearly always present these tend to be little artist lotteries anyway...buy a ticket and see what happens!

Just once I'd like to see someone presented a big award and hear the winning artist say,"I'm glad 3 people liked one of my paintings." That's all most awards come down to anyway.

One year the artist that won the Arts for the Parks Grand Prize said (I swear)..."I'm so happy to win this, this was only my third painting I've ever painted!" So buy a ticket and see what happens.
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Old 02-15-2002, 06:28 PM   #5
Stanka Kordic Stanka Kordic is offline
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That reminds me of what a friend of mine did in college. At the time, there was a prestigious juried show sponsored by the Museum here, known for several things, accepting realism not one of them. Anyway, as a joke, my friend put together this 3-D piece that was so absurdly funny. A shoe, stuck with wrappers from her lunch..I can't remember exactly. It took her all of 20 min. to assemble.

Yes, you guessed it, it won a prize. Yikes.
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