Arantxa Orbegozo
Juried Member |
Last Activity: 10-28-2012 03:54 AM
About Me
- About Arantxa Orbegozo
- Biography
- One of my pasions is observing people, and then trying to stell then a little bit of their soul and bring it into my paintings. Here in spain dont give much crediit to portrature, so i am a litlle envious of how you treat this in the USA , so i would love to share my work and pasion with you all. Thanks for beeing there, as escuse me if my english is not good enough. Enjoy life.
- Interests
- Diferents and moderate sports, harvest, take care of my family, cook, dance while painting as if no one was watching me...
- Occupation
- I have been a profesional portrait painter for many years. My web
- Art Medium
- Oils and pastels
Contact Info
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